Aquarius Jan 20 − Feb 18 Alias: Alias: The Water Bearer August 20 (20/08) daily aquarius horoscope: summary aquarius daily Star 9/10 You have something interesting and helpful to say in a particular area of your world. However, you might believe its not your place to be so vocal. You could be made to feel that your role should involve being a quiet observer, leaving others to make decisions. Its time to let go of this unfounded belief or fear. Youre being encouraged to speak up and say what needs saying. Believe youll have a very willing and receptive audience. Read more... summary aquarius tomorrow Star 8/10 The second of two New Moons occurs in your opposite sign today. This time, its a significantly more powerful one, being a New Moon Solar Eclipse. Youre being empowered to ma...
Rob Sinclair
Podcasters Should Use Karaoke Mics with this Mixer
I’m very happy with this, Your microphone is probably an XLR mic (round plug with three holes/prongs) I would not recommend getting a mixer with just one xlr channel unless you know exactly what’s going on. The one xlr port DOES have phantom power, and it DID include an ac adapter. This mixer supports more Karaoke mics than xlr mics. Dialing the xlr channel to 15% gain and dialing the line-in (karaoke) mics to 75% gain is a good balance for recording in audacity. Also audacity’s noise reduction has handled (very well) any noise picked up while recording through this mixer. You will need additional components if you want to use the podcast mics that come with the boom arms, that you can find on here for under $30. Those are xlr mics, and there's only room for one on this mixer. I’d recommend you get a mixer with two xlr channels and two 6ft xlr cords if you’re investing in those mics. You might see cables you can buy that have xlr on one end, and 1/4 inch on the other. Those cables will not help you. XLR needs extra power. If you buy a special cable that plugs your xlr mic into the 1/4 inch port, you'll have a very, very, very week signal.
Ronald Miranda
Excellent quality, couldn't record with my PC without it!
as a hobby i sing...or try using my pc. the small mic jacks on a pc limit that to small mics like a logitec. those are ok for some uses, but not for recording live singing on a pc. i was told i needed to go with a mixer and get a better mic. i bought a MXL 2006 mic and the 502 mixer to connect to my pc using xlr cables and two dbl. ended hosa cables ran from the mixer to the pc. i used a reducer plug on the end of each to be the right size as the jacks on my pc. i had thought i needed a sound card upgrade in order to sing and record, but that would've been a waste of about $150. here's the reason i am giving this 5 stars...i bought mine in april 2011 and it has been constantly on and the simplicity of this small mixer...makes it hard to beat for someone new to using one. you can use your current headset plugged into your pc directly as i did to start. in time they quit working and i replaced them with a klipsch speaker headset which runs through the 502 same as the mic. not only does it deliver the power needed for a home pc to pick up good mic, but it also controls volume and balance of the headset letting you fine tune the sound you want. two months shy of being four years old and has it possible for me to use my pc as my personal recording studio for something i love doing producing a sound that would otherwise cost far more. goes out i'll be getting another.
Jennifer Treviño Muñeca Azteca
1) No problem with ac power cord coming loose (many reviews complained of this) - maybe they addressed that 2) Yes - power light
I'm a professional musician. Wanted to see what this thing could do for $40 as I wanted something small for a small space. Was blown away!! 1) No problem with ac power cord coming loose (many reviews complained of this) - maybe they addressed that 2) Yes - power light is bright and annoying but you can simply cover it with something to dim it - no problem 3) Unbelievably quiet for a $40 5-channel mixer 4) Yes it has on only 1 EQ channel and no effects/reverb but it's $40! Everything works as it should. 5) It really is a true 3 channel mixer, not 5 as 2/3 and 4/5 share the same gains but you still can mess with BALANCE on 2/3 and 4/5 so it is sort of 5 channel. BOTTOM LINE - this thing is perfect for 2 instruments and vocals. TWO THUMBS UP!
Mehdi Arabpour
Power Cord IS An Issue
0:09 0:00 This video is not intended for all audiences. What date were you born? JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031201920182017201620152014201320122011201020092008200720062005200420032002200120001999199819971996199519941993199219911990198919881987198619851984198319821981198019791978197719761975197419731972197119701969196819671966196519641963196219611960195919581957195619551954195319521951195019491948194719461945194419431942194119401939193819371936193519341933193219311930192919281927192619251924192319221921192019191918191719161915191419131912191119101909190819071906190519041903190219011900 Submit Adobe Flash Player is required to watch this video. Install Flash Player The power cord is a serious issue when this is an on-the-go machine or a stationary device. I can move it slightly and the power could get cut. This is disturbing when audio recording or streaming. Not returning because I might try to get another power cord. I attached a video demo and also have pictures too. Literally from the slightest touch, the mixer shuts off. UPDATE: After several months of fiddling around, I never requested a replacement. I just never put in enough force. I'm not saying that I broke the device, but the cable is now able to plug in ALL OF THE WAY. I'm not sure why it would never go in all of the way, but force is needed for there to be a secure fit. Again, GREAT AUDIO! It is awesome for recording into my PC for video editing and gaming. Besides that, it is a great mixer and the quality is outstanding. It is definitely worth more and this is probably the best mixer that I've used for this cheap.
Michelle Southern
Good and cheap
Needed a mini mixer to go from my numark Dj controller to a set of EV powered speakers. Simply needed to go from RCA to 1/4 and these mixer did that for me as well as give me a few extra channels to use.
Key Tiffany Carter
Great little mixer.
This little mixer does exactly what it is supposed to. And the sound quality is great. I'm using it to take output from my TV and output from an Echo Dot and feed them through a small 40W amp to some nice bookshelf speakers. Now, I don't have to mess around with swapping inputs or toggling switches to change the source for the speakers. I can start a Pandora station on my FireTV and ask Alexa what the weather is tomorrow and get to hear how it's going to be 12 degrees (8 with the windchill) while the music continues on uninterrupted.
Gabriel Bereta
Recommend - solves a lot of issues for multiple inputs.
Mostly Great! The bad - As mentioned in other reviews, the power cable will come out and needs to be secured. Otherwise, fit the bill exactly as needed - wish I'd found this earlier as replaces many other cables, adapters, and non-powered mixers. My use and tested: Dual Kurzweil Keyboards requiring panned stereo to mixer for Leslie, spatial and other effects. Left/mono from both Keyboards into channels 2/3 and Right output from both Keyboards into channels 4/5. Bonus is I can also put mike on XLR channel 1 . Diddle with the respective gain, balance, levels and main mix and get perfect mix output. Can also have RCA from stereo or other audio source - input and out. EQ for mike on channel 1 - good to minimize feedback. No EQ on 2/3 4/5, but for keyboards not desired. They also have other models with more I/O and features. I would definitely recommend this to anyone using dual keys with microphone. I tested operation as above into Peavey mixer with Behringer & Peavey speakers - 2 XLR inputs (need 1/4 phono to XLR adaptor/cable) on my studio system. For Band Practice, just use left/Mono to a simple mix AMP - 3 devices through single input to AMP. I betting I could weasel in a guitar or two and channel all into a single amp. Recommend!
Phea Roun
The perfect little mixer for connecting my PC and Switch to my vintage stereo.
This mixer is perfect to hook up a couple different audio sources to an old stereo receiver. You can see in my pic that I have a few things going on, Channel 2/3 my PC audio, Channel 4/5 is my Nintendo Switch Audio, the Main Out runs directly to my stereo, and the Phones goes to my old PC speakers (I'm only running that until I buy some bookshelf speakers so I don't have to constantly use my big ol' floor standing speakers. This is actually a little overkill for my needs but if I ever decided to start streaming, I'd still have enough channels to make this setup usable. My only gripe is that it doesn't have rubber feet so it slides around on my desk, I solved that by cutting small strips of electrical tape to give it a little bit of grip. Love this product overall.
Subee Karmacharya
Excellent small mixer.
I ordered this tiny mixer specifically to use when I'm traveling and need to practice an instrument with tracks and don't want to carry along my next smallest mixer (12 channel). This thing works as good as my full sized multi-channel units and the 5 channels are sufficient for my travel needs. I did have an issue with the first unit I received which was probably unique and not typical. The power supply uses a mini 3 pin DIN connector to connect to the mixer. With my copy I could not get the connector to fit in tightly so it would lose connection or have partial connection creating all kinds of havoc. It was so bad that event adjusting a knob on the unit might cause the loose plug to break contact. I contacted Amazon and discussed the issue with them and they offered to exchange it for a new one. A day later the new one arrived, and it works fine. The power cord on the new unit locks into the socket without much effort and is held solidly in place. I give this little mixer a rating of 5 stars and 2 thumbs up!
James Yants
Great Little Mixer
This little mixer does EXACTLY what I need it to do. I am an amateur electronic music composer and I prefer actual drum machines and synths over software. That being said, I needed a good way to get everything talking and this mixer is doing that very well for me. I have a micro KORG synth and a Korg Electribe feeding directly into the mixer. The mixer outputs to a Kaossilator Pro which then in turn feeds into a KAOS Pad. That is the way I have it setup right now but the possible configurations are huge. The other thing to note is its compact size which is great because it fits basically anywhere one may choose to put it. I will be using this thing quite a bit at home so feel free to ask me questions and I'll do my best to answer them.